Low emission zones also a fact in Spain

Low emission zones also a fact in Spain

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Tightening measures from 2023 onwards

Old cars will soon no longer be welcome in Spain's major cities. Based on a labelling system , your car will or will not be allowed into the city. The Ministry of Ecological Transition foresees a budget of EUR 1.5 billion to turn the plans into reality.

Until today, the only cities that had a policy of low emission zones were Barcelona and Madrid. Barcelona, for example, had a zone of about 95 km2 where polluting cars were no longer welcome. Low emission zones = ZEB = Zonas de Bajas Emisiones.

The ZEB zones will still be limited to city centres in order to improve air quality in the centre. A system of labels will be used to make it visually clear which category your car belongs to.

Source: https://elpais.com/clima-y-medio-ambiente/2021-08-04/las-grandes-ciudades-espanolas-preparan-nuevas-restricciones-de-trafico.html

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