What on-board documents are required in Spain?

What on-board documents are required in Spain?

Required documents according to the DGT

We often read on facebook or other social media all kinds of fabrications of what you should or should not have in your car of documents. What are the mandatory attestations or supporting documents that you, as a driver, must be able to present at all times when official law enforcement agencies ask for them?

We would like to give drivers the correct info once and for all and also where you can check the facebook phrase or cafe talk for their accuracy in the future. We explain this briefly and at the bottom you can check the information via the source.

What documentation should you carry in your vehicle?

When driving, there are 3 documents you must always carry with you: driver's license, registration certificate and the ITV card (inspection certificate).

These are the three documents that, for any type of ride, you must carry and be valid when you drive:

  1. Driver's license.
  2. Vehicle registration certificate.
  3. Technical Inspection Card (ITV) of the vehicle.

Always have these 3 documents, either original or legalized, with you when you drive. This will be the first thing an officer will ask of you if you are stopped or involved in an incident. Remember that since 2008 it is no longer mandatory to have the insurance policy or final receipt in the car.

These documents are also required for rental vehicles. Before driving a rented vehicle, check that the vehicle contains the required documentation.

We ourselves at Segurantis recommend that in addition to these mandatory on-board documents, you should also always have your insurance documents and a collision form handy in case you have an accident.

If you don't have insurance documents or collision forms feel free to jump in and get a free copy. Would you also like a price competitive and fully comprehensive insurance for your vehicle with additional legal coverage up to 10, 000 euros (interpreter included)? Then feel free to make an appointment and we will look into the possibilities for you!

Or you can get an instant quote for your vehicle through our link below:

Source: https://www.dgt.es/nuestros-servicios/tu-vehiculo/documentacion-de-un-vehiculo/que-documentacion-debes-llevar-en-tu-vehiculo/#:~:text=A%20la%20hora%20de%20circular,y%20tarjeta%20de%20la%20ITV.&text=Hay%20tres%20documentos%20que%20debes,Permiso%20de%20Conducir%20del%20conductor.
